The Constitution
The name of the Association is the Congregational Church of Myanar (CCM)
Office Location
The National Office of the Assciation shall be located in Yangon.
Fundamental Principles
The Church is founded upon acceptance of the following Principles:
1. The supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ as Head of t he Church.
2. The scriptural right of every member Church t o maintain under Christ independance in the government
and administration of its local affairs and accordingly
the Congregational Church of Myanmar shall not become a Court of Appeal.
3. The spiritual relationship between Christian Churches of the same faith and order and their responsibility to unite
as one for common purpose for Christ's Body.
4. The right of expression by the Churches of the spiritual unity of their constituent members
by discovering and making known a common mind and purpose.
1. To undertake Christian mission and to establish new Congregational Churches in Myanmar.
2. To provide financial and educational support for Pastors of new Churches.
3. To maintain the Congregational Way, faith and principles.
4.To establish and maintain a good relationship with Churches of the International Congregational Fellowship and to seek spiritual and financial support where possible.
5. To oversee the mission and ministry of CCM through its National Office.
6. To freely co-operate in Mission and Ministry with other Christian Churches or Christian Organisations
in Myanmar and elsewhere.
The members of Congregational Churches in Myanmarshall be:
1. Those converted to the Christiab faith through the work of CCM Pastors
and who accept the rules and principles of the Congregational faith and Biblical doctrine
2) All who have joined of their own free will and who offer themselves for
Church service and activity.
Clergy and Mission Workers
All Ministers, Pastors and Mission Workers shall be members of CCM and
must have graduated from the Congregational Bible College.
Assemblies of the Congregational Church of Myanmar shall be held at least once every two years
at such time and place asan earlier Assembly may determine.
Representatives to Assemblies
R epresentatives shall be members of affiliated Congregational Churches.
Officers of the Congregational Church of Myanmar
An Executive Committee comprised of the General Secretary, Mission Secretary and Treasurer
shall be appointed. For the present the Treasurer shall serve part-time. At such time as an Assembly shall determine
a Moderator and such other officers as are thought necessary shall be appointed.
The Executive Committee
Reverend Dr Sa Do - General Secretary
The duty of the Executive Committee shall be:
1. to give effect to the decisions of the Assembly.
2. To make decisions relating to the ordinaton and appointment of Mission Field Directors, Mission Workers
and Pastors and to the ordination of the latter and to lead the Mission Committee.
3. To receive and dispurse funds contributed for Missions and Ministries.
4. To refer such matters as it may deem appropriate to member Churches of CCM for
considerationand recommendation.
5. To take appropriate action on matters affecting Congregationalism in Myanmar.
Mission Field Directors
The duties of Mission Field Directors are:
1. To give Quarterly Field Reports to the General Secretary and Mission Secretary and
2.To baptize converted members in the Mission Field and in that Field
to conduct the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion) for the Church.
Mission Committee
All CCM Mission efforts are part of the Yangon Church, therefore voluntarily the Mission Committee
has been formed in Yangon CCM with five members which include the General and Mission Secretaries.
The duties of the Mission Committ are to support Mission and Church activities and community efforts.
The committee is a working committee!